Pest Identification: Common Garter Snake
It is unlikely you will ever find a venomous snake in Massachusetts, but if you spend time outside, you will eventually encounter one or more species of harmless snakes. Five common snakes most likely to be seen in Massachusetts are: The Garter snake, Milk snake, Ring neck snake, Water snake and the Black racer. There are only two venomous snakes in Massachusetts – the timber rattlesnake and the copperhead and they are rarely seen.
Snakes are important part of our natural ecosystems both as their role as predators and prey. Depending on their size and species, they may feed on invertebrates such as slugs, worms and insects, fish, amphibians, birds and the eggs and small mammals such as mice and voles. Snakes can invade homes and patio areas seeking shelter or a place to have their young. Once inside they can follow piping and wiring or just slither right up the stairs searching for a way out. Exclusion should be performed by sealing cracks and crevices they are using to get inside.
Identifying Wasps and Other Invaders in Your Yard
Summer is a wonderful time for homeowners, with sunny days, warm temperatures, and more daylight to enjoy your yard. But, we’re not the only ones who love summer. It’s also the time of year when many different insects become more active in our yards. Wasps are among...
What Landlords Need to Know About Bed Bugs
As a landlord, you go to great lengths to ensure your properties are safe for tenants. But there’s one threat that still haunts even the most prepared landlord: Bed bugs. According to this PestWorld survey, almost 97% of pest professionals have treated bed bugs in the...
Cluster Flies vs. Household Pests: How to Identify and Differentiate
A fly isn’t just a fly—there are over 18,000 different types of flies in the U.S, each with its own habits and potential threats. But they do have some things in common: they all tend to have short lifespans and they are all experts at being nuisances to homeowners...